Building on DHL’s immense knowledge of exporting and international shipping, we took the initiative to ‘lead the export conversation online’ through social and digital channels:
• The DHL Guide, a dedicated website with practical international trade advice such as destination guides
• @dhlexpressuk – a Twitter feed with daily export news and tips
• Weekly EDMs
• 50+ YouTube videos with advice on opportunities for British businesses in countries like South Africa, Customs advice tips, and inspirational insights
• Supporting content on SlideShare, Pinterest, Google+, and Scribd
By May 2014, DHL recorded a 7% increase in SME customers. Traffic to the DHL Guide increased 230% year-on-year and calls to DHL’s team of export advisors increased by 50%. DHL Express UK’s market share grew from 47% in 2013 to over 50%, a year ahead of target.
In November 2014, the campaign won the B2B Marketing Award for best use of social media.
DHL: Leading the Export Conversation Online
From 2013
How can DHL grow its base of small business customers?